So I was cruising around the internet and stumbled across a site featuring homemade dog treat recipes and thought to myself, why not pick one of them and give it a shot? Those who know me, know very well of my lack of fortitude when it comes to baking or anything of the sort which simply makes this even more appealing to me because no matter how horrible my finished product looks and or tastes, Lars will be more than happy enough to scarf it down, being a Labrador and all. Labs love to eat and will sometimes eat some of the grossest things on the planet, believe me I know, so I pretty much am in the position where failing here is not an option.I chose to "attempt" to make Peanut Butter Puppy Poppers, wow say that 10 times fast if you dare. I chose this recipe because of its simplicity, and even said to myself upon reading it: 'wow, even I can not screw this up can I?' Off to the fridge I went to make sure I had all ingredients necessary to make Lars some tasty poppers, all four of them that is and to my delight I was fully stocked.Ingredients for Peanut Butter Puppy Poppers2 cups whole-wheat flour
1 tbsp. baking powder
1 cup peanut butter (chunky or smooth)
1 cup milkThe directions instructed me to mix the dry ingredients together, those being the flour and baking powder, while in a separate bowl mix the wet ingredients, those being milk and peanut butter, sorry Lars although you prefer the chunky kind, I only have smooth on tap for now. Oh crap, I forgot to preheat oven to 375 degrees before starting, oh well, better late than never I guess. Upon combining all ingredients together and rolling my sludge out into dough, I was ready for some creativity.No baking that involves me as primary baker goes off without a hitch and this time was no different as the recipe called for a cookie cutter to cut the dough into shapes, ahhh crap I guess a butter knife will sort of have to do? Hmmm next problem, how the hell is a blind baker supposed to know when cookies are lightly brown? Lars do these look done to you?Upon removing my hopefully done peanut butter poppers from the oven after about 18 to 20 minutes and letting them cool, I took initiative and tasted one of my delicacies to formulate my own opinion on the success or lack their of, and was actually pleasantly surprised. Besides being a touch burnt, my poppers were pretty damn good and I was actually excited to offer a few to Bar as I knew that he would not just be scarfing them down as fast as possible to limit the amount of time he had to taste them, LOL.Bar loved his peanut butter poppers and I have been giving him a few each day since making them. Every time he eats one, he stays in the kitchen long after I've given it too him, sniffing around looking for more, sorry Bar your 'chunky' enough as it is.